Amir K. Goharshady
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Tutorial Fellow
St Catherine's College, goharshady@gmail.comÂ
dblp, google scholar, orcid, youtube
[I am not on any social media]
I am an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Oxford and a Fellow of St Catherine's College (affectionately known as Catz). I am also fortunate to lead the ALPACAS research group, an amazing team of talented young mathematicians and computer scientists. My research interests are in theoretical computer science, specifically formal program verification, parametrised algorithms and blockchain.
My educational background is, unsurprisingly, at the intersection of Mathematics and Computer Science. I did my PhD in Theoretical Computer Science at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, where I was privileged to be supervised by Prof. Krishnendu Chatterjee. I also have an MSc in Computer Science (Systems) from Georgia Tech and did my undergraduate studies in Maths and Computing at the Universities of London and Yazd. Prior to joining Oxford, I was an Assistant Professor of Computing and Mathematics at HKUST. Additionally, I am honoured to be a Visiting Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.