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Lambda Calculus and Types

Hilary Term 2025

Number of Students: 56

Course Textbook

Andrew Ker has prepared excellent textbook-quality lecture notes for this course and we will use them.

Previous Offering

Last year, Lambda Calculus and Types was taught by Bartek Klin and its course material is available here. I will also use his slides in many of the lectures.

Problem Sheets

Problems are chosen from Andrew Ker's Lecture Notes above.

Lecture 4: Church-Rosser Reductions

Lecture 5: Uniqueness of Normal Forms

Lecture 6: Böhm's Theorem and Reduction Strategies

Lecture 7: Leftmost Reductions, Booleans and Church Numerals

Lecture 8: Solvability, Definability and Church-Kleene

Lecture 11: Lambda-algebras and Simple Types

Lecture 12: Simple Types and Weak Normalisation

Lecture 13: Strong Normalisation

Lecture 15: System T and Curry-Howard